Your family members may not be in the same place when an emergency occurs. So you need to plan a way to find or communicate with each other. Make sure you have an emergency plan that your family members know about and discuss what you would do in different situations. Plan a place to stay by contacting a family member or friend. If you have to evacuate your home, you will be prepared to relocate quickly if necessary.
An emergency plan should include the following:
- Emergency numbers to remember:
- Info-Santé: 811
- Poison Control Centre: 1-800-463-5060
- Hydro-Québec: 1-800-790-2424
- Non-emergency call centre (CANU): 311 to report potentially dangerous situations (broken traffic lights, broken trees, damaged roadways, etc.) or to find out about assistance available to those affected.
- 9-1-1: only for rapid emergency response by police, firefighters or ambulance (medical emergency, downed power lines, gas leak, etc.). Do not call 9-1-1 for information.
- Your important numbers:
- Medical clinic
- Pharmacy
- Home insurance (phone number and policy number)
- Automobile insurance (phone number and policy number)
- Medical insurance (phone number and policy number)
- Two contacts to notify:
- Names of each family member with addresses and phone numbers of places attended (office, school, daycare, etc.)
- Gathering place near your home and outside your neighbourhood
Your home
- Note the location of the following appliances and explain their operation to your family members:
- Portable fire extinguisher
- Water inlet valve
- Circuit breaker box (electrical panel)
- Alarm system
- Gas valve
- Floor drain
You can download this template to help you prepare your emergency plan.
Useful link