Ville de Gatineau
After a flood
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After a flood

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What to do once the water has receded

  • call in a master electrician before restoring the power. Contact Hydro-Québec at 1-888-385-7252;
  • call in a heating specialist before restarting the heating equipment, particularly if the oil tank came in contact with water;
  • call in a qualified natural gas technician to inspect your natural gas equipment, and then contact Gazifère to restart the natural gas supply by calling 819-771- 8321 or through
  • if you need legal advice related to the flood, contact the Barreau du Québec at Info-Barreau at 1-844-954- 3411 for the coordinates of a volunteer lawyer who can provide information over the phone;
  • find out about the government of Quebec's disaster assistance program; and
  • call 311 for additional information.

Structural integrity

  • make sure that your home is structurally sound;
  • pay particular attention to any deformations in the walls or floors; and
  • watch for holes in the floor, broken glass and other hazardous debris.


Flood waters may be contaminated by sewer water and other pollutants, and may cause sickness and infections.

  • If your home got flooded and you have a well, do not drink the water before you have had it analyzed.
  • Household items that were damaged by the flood should be discarded in accordance with local by-laws.

About Gatineau

Recognized for its quality of life, Gatineau is a city of 298,000 inhabitants. It is located on the north shore of the Ottawa River, and extends east and west of the Gatineau River.

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