lend a hand to any neighbour or person who needs help;
leave your home if water levels so warrant or the authorities so request (See If you must evacuate);
pay particular attention to any deformations in the walls or floors. If you see any, immediately evacuate the premises and call 911 to report the situation.
If you have to go out
if you are on foot, never walk through a flooded area because the current could sweep you away;
only use your vehicle if water levels permit:
when in doubt, do not use it because if you stall, you could block traffic and prevent emergency vehicles from getting through; and
before setting out, check the road conditions by calling 511 or at www.quebec511.info;
never take a street if a sign says that it is closed;
drive slowly to avoid making waves that could damage homes in the flooded area;
if you are in a car, do not drive through floodwater or in low lying areas because the water could be deeper than it appears, and you could get stuck, or your vehicle could get swept away by a strong current;
whether walking or driving, avoid puddles because larger potholes or depressions that may have formed would not be visible when submerged;
avoid crossing a bridge if the water is high and the current is strong;
do not hesitate to abandon your vehicle if it stalls or the water is rising fast, and get yourself to safety on higher ground; and
call 311 if the car is preventing emergency vehicles from getting through.
About Gatineau
Recognized for its quality of life, Gatineau is a city of 298,000 inhabitants. It is located on the north shore of the Ottawa River, and extends east and west of the Gatineau River.