Ville de Gatineau
Bureau de la sécurité civile
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Bureau de la sécurité civile
Bureau de la sécurité civile

This page is about the Bureau de la sécurité civile in the administrative structure of Ville de Gatineau. For contact information of the Bureau de la sécurité civile, consult the Contact Ville de Gatineau page.

The Bureau de la sécurité civile seeks to ensure that everyone knows what to do in case of a disaster. It also provides the necessary support for coordinating stakeholders in case of a catastrophe in the area.

Civil security encompasses major disasters as well as situations considered to be exceptional. It includes the following four dimensions: prevention, preparation, intervention and restoration.

Click here to learn more about civil security and its concepts (in French only).

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write us at


The Bureau de la sécurité civile keeps the Civil Security Plan up to date. The Plan sets out the organization's prevention, preparation, intervention and restoration operations.

Civil security plan for Gatineau

In the event of a major disaster, emergency crews are first dispatched to attend to the most vulnerable residents. Any that are not deemed vulnerable may have to wait a bit before receiving assistance from the emergency crews. Thus, it is important to be prepared to manage on your own for 72 hours while waiting for help.

The Bureau de la sécurité civile keeps the civil security plan up to date. The plan covers the organization's prevention, preparation, intervention and recovery measures.


The principal intervention measures are as follows:

  • application of alert and mobilization procedures (automated cell phone messages issued by the government, text message and email alerts, radio messages);
  • mobilization of municipal civil security personnel at the emergency measures coordination centre;
  • deployment of assistance to residents and of measures to protect property and the natural environment;
  • implementation of provisions aimed at maintaining essential operations and services as well as protecting economic activities;
  • assistance to the population and opening of victim assistance centres or shelters, as required; and
  • dissemination of public information about the situation.


Restoration refers to all decisions and actions taken following a disaster to restore the social, economic, physical and environmental conditions in the community while reducing the risks.

What to do after a disaster (in French only)

About Gatineau

Recognized for its quality of life, Gatineau is a city of 298,000 inhabitants. It is located on the north shore of the Ottawa River, and extends east and west of the Gatineau River.

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