Ville de Gatineau
Blowing snow to the side
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Blowing snow to the side

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In order to protect the environment and harmonize operations throughout the territory, snow is blown to the side wherever possible. Blowing snow to the side is much faster and more ecological than blowing snow into trucks. It makes it possible to:

  • use the cleared streets sooner and more safely;
  • save on gas because fewer heavy vehicles are used, and it causes less greenhouse gas emissions;
  • protect our roads; and
  • avoid expanding our existing snow dumps or adding new ones.

Once the snow has been cleared away, graders pass through the streets to improve visibility and make for safer driving.

It should be noted that municipalities are entitled to blow snow covering a public road onto adjoining private land (Municipal Powers Act, CQLR c C-47-1, section 69).

Watch for temporary no-parking signs

Temporary no-parking signs are set out approximately 24 hours before snow clearing operations begin. The owners of vehicles parked in no-parking zones will receive a ticket and their vehicles could be towed.

Snow blowing is the safer option in the narrower streets. Once the snow clearing operations are finished, the temporary signs are shredded or removed.

Note that these signs are biodegradable. If any debris from these signs is left on your property after the operations, you can dispose of the wood chips and paper in your brown bin.

About Gatineau

Recognized for its quality of life, Gatineau is a city of 298,000 inhabitants. It is located on the north shore of the Ottawa River, and extends east and west of the Gatineau River.

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