Ville de Gatineau
Future ecocentre in the west end
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Future ecocentre in the west end
Future ecocentre in the west end

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In its 2023-2029 Residual Materials Management Plan, Gatineau aims to optimize and enhance its network of ecocentres to make it easier for residents to access them. The planned measures include opening an ecocentre in the city's west end.

In order to meet the public's needs and expectations as fully as possible, Gatineau created a working group that will prepare recommendations.

March 28, 2023 information session

Projected location

The site being considered is on chemin Vanier, between chemin Pink and rue de Vernon.

Working group

The working group's mandate

The working group will address potential issues related to the location of the ecocentre, the project's anticipated impacts, and the mitigation measures to be set in place in this sector, which houses several industries, businesses and residences. The group will report its concerns associated with the project, and discuss solutions aimed at meeting the public's needs and expectations.

The group will meet a number of times throughout spring 2023. It will invite experts and stakeholders to submit pertinent analyses to provide an overview of the situation and assess the options in preparation for making recommendations to Gatineau.

Composition of the group

The group consists of residents and representatives of businesses or industries located near the sector in question, of local groups and of Ville de Gatineau in order to get diverse points of view and interests. Its members were selected by a committee comprised of Gatineau municipal officials and local socio-community organizations based on the following criteria:

  • residence or place of business within the area of interest;
  • contribution to a diversified composition of the working group;
  • absence of conflict of interest with the ecocentre project;
  • contribution of knowledge or a useful perspective to the mandate of the working group;
  • understanding of the mandate of the group and the project issues; and
  • motivation and availability to participate in the group's activities.
First name Last name Organization
Jean-Michel Labbé Resident
Pierre Ollivier Resident
Daniel Chartrand Resident
Pierre-Luc Therrien Resident
Sandra Nolette Resident
Janie Charbonneau Resident
Bruno Desautels Ville de Gatineau
Chantal Marcotte Ville de Gatineau
Virginie Gauthier Partners in the Aylmer sector
Alain Pilon Association des résidents du plateau

What is an ecocentre?

An ecocentre is a residual materials recovery and reuse centre. Residents and businesses can take their residual materials there for optimal recovery to protect the environment. All residual materials received at the ecocentre are then transferred to recyclers or other businesses for recycling, reuse or recovery.

An ecocentre should not be confused with a waste transfer centre. The latter receives compostables and trash collected by a municipality before they go to a landfill site or composting facility. The boulevard de la Carrière site, in the Hull sector, has an ecocentre as well as a waste transfer centre for all of the waste and compostables collected from Gatineau residents.

By contrast, the future ecocentre would be more along the lines of the one at the Aéroparc, in the Gatineau sector. No waste or compostables collected by Gatineau will pass through there, and heavy truck traffic will therefore be more limited.

Main steps

Working group

April 2023
Working group established

Spring 2023
Working group operations

Summer 2023
Working group recommendations submitted to the Municipal Council

Other (ecocentre project)

Further to the recommendations of the working group, a number of steps will be required in preparation for the 2028 opening of the future ecocentre, in particular:

  • zoning change;
  • land acquisition;
  • work planning; and
  • call for tenders and construction of the new ecocentre.

The timeline will be determined by the progress made and the outcomes of the different stages.

About Gatineau

Recognized for its quality of life, Gatineau is a city of 298,000 inhabitants. It is located on the north shore of the Ottawa River, and extends east and west of the Gatineau River.

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