Ville de Gatineau
Residual materials
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Residual materials
Residual materials

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See also

Gatineau collects recyclable and compostable materials (including green residues), household garbage, construction residues and bulky waste. As well, you can request pick-up of reusable bulky items by calling 311. Aside from that, many materials can be brought to the ecocentres: electronics, construction residues and household hazardous waste.

Units and buildings served

Every unit or dwelling subject to the payment of the municipal levy for residual materials is covered by this collection service.

Non-residential establishments may also be serviced (curbside collection only) is the building is eligible for the collection service and if none of the units exceeds the volume of household garbage allowed under the by-law.

Obligation to sort and recover

The following items may not to be included with household garbage: recyclables, compostables (including green residues), bulky waste, construction residues, bulky metal waste, tires, electronic and household hazardous waste.

Owners of residential or multiple dwelling buildings are required to provide their tenants with containers that are large enough to store their recyclables between collections, as well as the appropriate collection tools, as indicated in the by-law:


Number of units per building Approved container Minimum storage capacity for recyclable materials between collections
No more than 360 litres Dumpster
1 to 2 Yes No 180
3 to 8 Yes No 150
9 to 24 Yes Yes 120
25 to 99 No Yes 90
100 and more No Yes 60


Number of units per building Approved container Minimum storage capacity for compostable materials between collections
No more than 240 litres Dumpster
1 to 2 Yes No 80
3 to 8 Yes No 15
9 to 24 Yes No 5
25 to 99 Yes No 5
100 and more Yes No 5

Residual materials collection details

Residual materials collection details

Additional information

  • Residual materials must be put out no earlier than 7 p.m. the day prior to collection day, and no later than 7 a.m. on collection day. They are to be placed next to the sidewalk, the curb or the right of way and shall not in any way obstruct the road or the sidewalk. Containers must be put away no later than 9 p.m. on collection day.
  • Residual materials must be stored in a manner that does not encourage thre proliferation of vermin or rodents.
  • It is strictly prohibited to place residual materials in someone else's container. It is also strictly prohibited to place or store residual materials on the property of a building that is owned by someone else if one is neither a tenant nor an occupant of that building.
  • It is furthermore prohibited for anyone other than a representative of Gatineau or of the contractor to overturn or search through containers used to store residual materials.
  • Bins on wheels and containers provided by Gatineau for the collection of recyclables, compostables and household garbage belong to the municipality. They are to remain on the property to which they were delivered. It is prohibited to alter or destroy a container provided by Gatineau.

Application of the by-law

Any person who violates a provision of by-law 839-2018 (in French only) is committing an offence and is liable to a minimum fine of $300 for a first offense. The minimum fine is doubled for a repeat offence.

For additional information on this topic, click on the full by-law (in French only).

About Gatineau

Recognized for its quality of life, Gatineau is a city of 298,000 inhabitants. It is located on the north shore of the Ottawa River, and extends east and west of the Gatineau River.

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