With its 88 cultural communities* and its social and sexual diversity, Gatineau is an open and dynamic city. It is in the context of this rich diversity that the SPVG takes concrete action to cultivate and strengthen the trust of the communities it serves.
The three-year action plan entitled Serving the population in all its diversity! is the result of more than a year of exhaustive research, consultations and scientific readings, in conjunction with multiple partners at the regional and provincial levels. It illustrates our determination to implement best practices in ethnocultural, social and gender diversity, with an approach that is adapted to the reality of Gatineau and the communities we serve and protect.
* 2022 data.
With this plan, the SPVG reiterates its commitment to doing everything possible to remove barriers to equity, diversity and inclusion. This plan may be ambitious, but is fully in line with the SPVG's wish to maintain sustainable bonds of trust with the different communities living and active in Gatineau.
To ensure greater accessibility, the action plan is available in French, English, Spanish, Arabic, Swahili and Anicinape. Simply click on the desired image below to access the action plan electronically.
In order to broaden the scope of its action plan and to make it more inclusive and representative of Gatineau's reality, the SPVG has considered all facets of diversity. In this context and taking into account government definitions, the SPVG adheres to a global approach of “diversity” which includes ethnocultural, social and sexual diversity. By considering diversity as a whole, the SPVG is responding to the recommendations and strategies set out in various government plans.
Furthermore, the SPVG adheres to the “principles of living together and inclusion, i.e. openness to the participation of people of all origins in the collective life of society, accepting their differences and respecting democratic values, in particular by removing obstacles to equal rights and conditions”1.
1 QUÉBEC. MINISTÈRE DE LA SANTÉ ET DES SERVICES SOCIAUX. Une passerelle vers un avenir en santé, [Fichier PDF], Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux, 2018, 31 p. [https://publications.msss.gouv.qc.ca/msss/fichiers/2018/18-616-01W.pdf]