Ville de Gatineau
Strategic Plan 2024-2028
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Strategic Plan 2024-2028

A Word From Our Director

Here we are at last! This fifth strategic plan marks the beginning of a new chapter that promises to be enriching and stimulating for the Service de police de la Ville de Gatineau (SPVG). This ambitious plan, which we will deploy over the next five years, will guide our actions for the benefit of the community. Our aspirations are in line with the high expectations expressed by Gatineau residents.

While we have invested considerable effort over the past decade to integrate new practices and procedures, to develop an organizational culture in which service to citizens is at the heart of our actions, to take pre-emptive action against crime, to review our service offering, to remain on the cutting edge of province-wide technology, to consolidate our ties with agencies and to promote the agility of our organization, we are ready to take a another step forward by mobilizing our efforts on four major pillars: the victim-centred approach, the community policing approach, our personnel and our intelligence-led policing.

The participatory approach we adopted, which gave a voice to the Gatineau population, our partners and our employees, was a source of inspiration in determining our ultimate goal and the strategy to achieve it. Our new vision is built around three concepts chosen by the entire SPVG team: people, proactivity and trust.

This vision promotes a human factor in three ways: through our aspiration to serve the population with compassion, our determination to humanize police officers, and through the benevolence we must demonstrate towards our personnel, who are dedicated to serving and protecting the population. To achieve this, we must continue to develop our employees' skills and expertise, and offer them the best possible quality of working life.

Being proactive is essential, if we are to continue developing visionary solutions, reinventing ourselves, and focusing on both small and large-scale actions. Proactivity also enables us to adapt to the very rapid paradigm shifts that influence crime, peace and social order.

Finally, our vision is born of the ambition to always remain an exemplary police service that inspires trust, which is at the source of our legitimacy to act and a critical element in maintaining a sense of security.

Simon Fournier

Directeur du SPVG