The Service de police de la Ville de Gatineau (SPVG) has a team of thirteen officers, a lieutenant and an inspector dedicated to operations in schools and the resolution of problems. They make up the Section de la résolution et des actions préventives de quartier.
Each school in the Gatineau area can count on the assistance of a designated police officer. This officer works in a preventative manner to head off crime and participates in various activities aimed at optimising the quality of life within the schools. The officer visits the students of different levels to discuss various issues with them. Among the topics discussed are violence and bullying, drugs and alcohol, Internet safety, and the sharing of intimate images (sexting and child pornography). This proximity allows police officers to create links with young people, offer them an attentive ear, explain the laws and their work. The police officer may also be called upon to conduct preventive and coercive operations targeting road safety problems close to the schools.
By working in partnership with school administrations and the various stakeholders in the community, the school resource officer can intervene with students in various situations. They are therefore able to receive complaints about criminal offences and take the necessary measures to resolve the problem, all in accordance with the Youth Criminal Justice Act, which, while respecting victims, aims to rehabilitate and reintegrate young people into society in order to ensure the development of their full potential.