Did you witness a crime or do you have information that could help solve a crime? Échec au crime is a simple and sure way to share information about criminals or criminal activities anonymously.
Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, agents answer calls from the public and compile information provided through the organization's website.
That information is then forwarded to the appropriate police and partners to help them solve or prevent crimes.
If you have any information about a suspicious or criminal act, do not hesitate. Report it without delay! You will not have to identify yourself or testify.
By phone: Call 1-800-711-1800
Online: Go to www.echecaucrime.com. Click on Signalement en ligne and follow the instructions.
Échec au crime is independent from the police. Anonymity is the foundation of the program. No telephone number, first name or other information that could be used to identify you is passed on when you make a report. All information conveyed is identified by a code.
By guaranteeing anonymity, Échec au crime ensures that anyone communicating with the organization can do so in a positive setting, without constraints or fear of reprisals.
In addition to bringing you peace of mind and the sense of having done your duty, reporting a suspicious or criminal act can earn you, on request, up to $2,000 cash when the information you provide leads to charges or the seizure of a suspect's assets. You will receive that reward anonymously and safely.
Échec au crime has helped solve thousands of crimes since it was established, including murders, sexual assaults, acts of violence and drug trafficking.
The organization helps make our region a safer place to live and work. To report a crime is to reject violence. Together, let's help stop crime through Échec au crime!