Ville de Gatineau
A safe Halloween - Nothing tricky about it!
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Ce communiqué a été publié le 27 octobre 2021. L'information dans ce communiqué pourrait ne plus être à jour et certains liens pourraient ne plus être fonctionnels.

Ville de Gatineau
News release
A safe Halloween - Nothing tricky about it!

Gatineau, October 27, 2021. – The traditional Halloween trick or treating is coming this Sunday, October 31. Disguised in imaginative costumes, kids of all ages will be pouring through the streets of Gatineau in the early evening. This year once again, Service de police de la Ville de Gatineau (SPVG) police officers will be on hand to keep everybody safe.

Wearing reflective clothing is a brilliant idea!

This festive evening is generally an ideal opportunity for police and residents to intermingle in a relaxed atmosphere. However, given that the pandemic is still upon us, police will have no choice but to minimize their contact with residents.
– Unlike previous years, SPVG officers will not be handing out promotional items to kids on Halloween.
– However, Gatineau's pre-schoolers will be receiving a reflective wristband imprinted with Être réfléchissant, c'est brillant! at school.
– Distribution of the wristbands started a few days ago. They are designed to help improve the visibility of the children walking through the city's streets.
Police will be paying particularly close attention to ensuring that pedestrians and drivers comply with the Highway Safety Code.

Tips for the kids

Agree with parents on the route they will take and when they expect to be home.
Make sure that they are clearly visible by wearing light colours or reflective strips, and carry a lit flashlight
Wear clothing short enough to avoid tripping over it.
Wear makeup instead of a mask so they can see better.
Wait outside houses (never go inside).
Cover one side of the street at a time, and keep a safe distance from vehicles driving through the street.
Cross at designated intersections and avoid zigzagging through the streets, as required under the Highway Safety Code.

Tips for parents driving the kids

Inasmuch as possible, avoid driving while kids are trick or treating.
– It is best to accompany the kids on foot instead of following them in the car.
If you have to drive, drive slowly and expect the kids to be unpredictable in their excitement.
Practice patience and courtesy.

Best practices suggested by the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms who is required to self-isolate or is in quarantine must refrain from taking part in the door-to-door collection, handing out candies and taking part in celebrations.
While trick or treating, children must not step into homes or sing or shout in front of people handing out treats.
Inasmuch as possible, people must maintain the one-metre distance.
Everyone should wash their hands, and if necessary, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after handing out and collecting treats.
Treats should be wrapped in individual packages before being handed out to limit contact.
Given that the risk of contamination is particularly high indoors, current government guidelines should be followed, particularly the 10-person limit in private residences.

Associated links

Pandémie de la COVID-19 – Suggestions de bonnes pratiques pour une Halloween en toute sécurité

COVID-19 – Mesures en vigueur

– 30 –
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Published by
Service de police de la Ville de Gatineau
Andrée East
Agente relationniste
Service de police
Ville de Gatineau

À propos de Gatineau

Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 292 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.

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