Ville de Gatineau
Gatineau's Mayor invites investors to cross the river!
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Gatineau's Mayor invites investors to cross the river!
Gatineau's Mayor invites investors to cross the river!

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Ce communiqué a été publié le 7 octobre 2014. L'information dans ce communiqué pourrait ne plus être à jour et certains liens pourraient ne plus être fonctionnels.

Gatineau, October 7 2014. – Gatineau will be well represented at the Ottawa Real Estate Forum on Thursday, October 9. The Mayor of Gatineau will be attending to talk about his city and its development opportunities to a delegation of more than 500 investors and real estate project managers from across the country.

Gatineau Mayor Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin is intent on inviting investors to cross the bridge and come and discover all that his city has to offer. "The future looks very bright. In fact, Gatineau ranks 10th among average-sized cities on the 2013-2014 list of "American Cities of the Future". This list rates the most promising destinations for future investments, and is primarily based on five indicators: economic potential, human resources, cost effectiveness, infrastructure and business friendliness," he pointed out.

In addition to being given an overview of the city that is an integral part of the national capital region, participants will learn more about the downtown and the efforts that Gatineau has made to develop it. The plan is to encourage the construction of 4,000 new units in the downtown between now and 2015 in order to attract 10,000 new residents. A whole range of measures and actions have been identified to this end so that, at the end of day, residents and investors will want to go downtown not only to live but also for entertainment.

Partnership opportunities will be offered to investors interested in taking advantage of land and space available within minutes of the centre of the national capital.

It bears mentioning that this forum coincides with the publication of the fall 2014 issue of the Real Estate Forum, which will be dedicated to the national capital region, with a special section reserved just for Gatineau.

À propos de Gatineau

Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 292 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.

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