Ville de Gatineau
Mayor Watson and Mayor Pedneaud-Jobin launch survey for Federal election candidates
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Ville de Gatineau
News release
Mayor Watson and Mayor Pedneaud-Jobin launch survey for Federal election candidates

Ottawa - Following the precedent established in 2015, Mayor Jim Watson and Gatineau Mayor Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin have jointly announced their priorities for the upcoming federal election. As mayors of two cities that make up the National Capital region, it was important that they speak with one voice when raising key issues for the next four years.

As members of Big City Mayors' Caucus of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), both mayors also took the opportunity to talk about the leading role that cities play in the country's economic and social development. Cities cannot fulfill this role without support from other levels of government, including the federal government.

Today, local candidates and the leaders of the federal parties will receive a letter from each city with a questionnaire covering the priorities outlined below. The responses we receive will be published on Mayor Jim Watson's and the City of Gatineau's website during the week of October 7, giving citizens an opportunity to consider elected officials' responses before voting day.

The Mayors' priorities for the upcoming federal election relate to the following four themes: Active and Public Transportation, Infrastructure, Climate Change, and Housing.

Active and Public Transportation

The Cities of Ottawa and Gatineau are experiencing significant growth, and have identified active and public transportation as one of their most important priorities. Both cities have undertaken Light Rail Transit projects to ensure the long-term availability of a transportation network that efficiently meets the commuting and travel needs of residents. In recent years, the cities of Gatineau and Ottawa have worked together to better align their transportation plans for the first time in their history.

It is therefore essential that the federal parties pledge to maintain their funding commitment to Ottawa's Stage 2 LRT project, commit to funding Ottawa's Stage 3 LRT and provide federal funding for the light rail project in western Gatineau. These city-building projects are not only essential for building a dynamic metropolitan region worthy of the 21st century, but also represent the preferred solution put forward by experts for solving traffic congestion while addressing global warming concerns.

Given that the planning and implementation of such complex public transportation projects require multiple years of work, we also support the FCM's request that the next federal government establish a permanent public transportation fund.

In addition, we request that the next federal government fund the rehabilitation of the Prince of Wales Bridge into a pedestrian and cycling link. This measure would improve the alignment of the two cities' active transportation networks.


Across Canada, cities are responsible for 58 per cent of public infrastructure, yet receive only 8 per cent of overall tax revenue. In its budget 2019, the federal government announced a one-time doubling of the federal gas tax. We hope to see the federal gas tax Fund doubled permanently.

Fighting Climate Change

In recent years, Ottawa and Gatineau have experienced extreme weather events, including floods, tornadoes and torrential rains that affected residents and municipalities at considerable expense. Federal programs currently exist, but more can be done to meet the needs of cities to better adapt to climate change. We hope to see an increase in this funding and the flexibly to allow cities to identify the measures necessary for adapting to climate change.


The housing vacancy rate is at 1.6% in Ottawa and under 1% in Gatineau, a historic low. The mayors have asked for federal support to ensure that all citizens have access to adequate housing. The federal government must ensure that funding announced in the context of the National Housing Strategy makes its way into the hands of cities.

"Over the last few years, the City of Ottawa and the City of Gatineau have worked together in our efforts to align priorities that impact the Ottawa-Gatineau region as a whole, a first in the history of the two cities. It is crucial that we continue to foster collaboration and include the Federal government as an important partner in the National Capital's development and growth."
- Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson

"We feel the need to reiterate the importance of having a federal government that listens to cities' needs. Our country's development takes shape at the municipal level, and it is important that our two levels of government work toward the same goals. The same goes for the future of Canada's National Capital Region."
- Gatineau Mayor Maxime Pedneaud-Jobin

Lien connexe

Élection fédérale 2019 - Questionnaire sur les enjeux locaux de Gatineau

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Cabinet du maire
Ville de Gatineau
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Ville de Gatineau

À propos de Gatineau

Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 292 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.

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