Ville de Gatineau
Rising of water levels expected : Gatineau asks residents to prepare for flooding in some areas
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Ville de Gatineau
News release
Rising of water levels expected : Gatineau asks residents to prepare for flooding in some areas

Gatineau, May 23, 2022. - For several weeks, the City has been monitoring the water levels in the rivers and adapting its actions according to the evolution of the situation. Yesterday afternoon, experts from the organisation de la sécurité civile (ORS) advised the City that the accumulation of water in the Baskatong reservoir is faster than expected. Due to heavy rainfall in recent days and high temperatures, the water in the reservoir will have to be released gradually to avoid mechanical failure.

The residents along the Gatineau River will be the most affected. Gatineau should be less affected than in 2019 as the water only comes from the Gatineau River and not from the Ottawa River.

Quick facts

Based on current and future weather forecasts, as well as flows generated by the release of the Basketong Basin, significant water increases are expected.
The areas most likely to be affected are:
- Cartier Street;
- Gatineau Point area between Oxford and Prince Albert streets.
In addition, some areas that represent a moderate risk could be affected:
- South of Saint-Sauveur Street, between Saint-Patrice and Sanscartier streets (Gatineau sector);
- Hurtubise Boulevard East and West (Gatineau sector);
- Fer-à-Cheval street (Masson-Angers sector);
- Du Ruisseau street (Masson-Angers sector)
The municipal teams are monitoring the entire territory.
The emergency measures coordination centre (centre de coordination des mesures d'urgence - CCMU) is open. In addition, the on-site emergency measures centre (Centre des operations d'urgence sur le site - COUS) will be operational when required.
The municipal emergency preparedness plan and the actions set out in the specific flood response plan have been implemented:
- Gatineau is in constant communication with its partners to coordinate actions;
- Soon, the Fire Safety Department of Gatineau will visit citizens living along the river to inform them about the situation and to ensure their safety.


At the present time, nearly 27,000 filled sandbags are available. Sandbags will continue to be filled and distributed as needed.
The City has two baggers for additional filling capacity. To date, 200,000 empty bags are available for bagging.
Starting tomorrow at noon, sandbags will be available at the following locations for citizens in the areas most likely to be affected :
- Intersection of Cartier and des Rapides streets
- Intersection of Saint-Louis and Moreau streets
- Intersection of Saint-Antoine and de la Baie streets
- Intersection of Boulevard de la Gappe and Carmen street.

Actions by residents

Gatineau reminds everyone that emergency measures are everyone's business, and depend on teamwork. Shoreline residents also have an important part to play. They are asked to take the necessary steps to ensure their own safety and protect their homes.
Gatineau is asking all residents to cooperate in regard to the use of sandbags. Shoreline residents are asked to take them gradually to ensure that everyone gets some. That way, everyone will be able to start building up their dikes in preparation for the weekend.
Residents are also asked to sign up for text messages or email alerts through
Residents can call 811 at any time if they feel a need for psychosocial support. Info-Social 811 is a free and confidential phone consultation service. It is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Actions by volunteers

At this time, the help of citizen volunteers for specific needs is not require. Gatineau will announce any change on their social networks.
Anyone wishing to help shoreline residents who are at risk of being affected should approach the latter directly.

Safety tips

Gatineau is asking residents to be cautious along rivers and waterways.
Call 311 to report any disturbing situation. If the safety of persons or property is at risk, call 911.

Associated links

Spring Flooding

Subscribe to text or email alerts

How to build a dike with sandbags

Press Conference - May 23, 2022


Ms. France Bélisle, Mayor of the City of Gatineau
From left to right, Denis Doucet, Emergency Measures Coordinator and Director of the Fire Safety Department of Gatineau, France Bélisle, Mayor of the City of Gatineau and Jean Boileau, Director of Communications.
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Published by
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau

À propos de Gatineau

Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 292 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.

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