Ce communiqué a été publié le 25 mai 2022. L'information dans ce communiqué pourrait ne plus être à jour et certains liens pourraient ne plus être fonctionnels.
Ville de Gatineau
News release
Update – Water levels for the Gatineau River
Gatineau, May 25, 2022. – Ville de Gatineau is continuing to monitor water levels with the support of expert partners. Even though water levels are now dropping, the upcoming rainfall and the fact that the Baskatong reservoir is at its limit will significantly increase water levels in the Gatineau River starting tomorrow. Thus, Gatineau is pursuing its readiness measures, such as opening a centre for flood victims tomorrow.
Quick facts
As soon as necessary, Gatineau will open a centre for flood victims at the Stade-Pierre-Lafontaine arena at 255 rue Saint-Antoine.
The sectors along the Gatineau River will be the hardest hit.
According to the experts we consulted, there is no reason to expect a rise in water levels above flood levels for the Ottawa River.
The Centre de coordination des mesures d'urgence (CCMU) and the Centre d'opération d'urgence sur le site (COUS) are operational and crews have been mobilized.
Four sandbag distribution sites are now open for the higher risk sectors. In addition, bulk sand and materials required to make up the bags are available at those sites. Residents should bring their own shovels.
Two sites have been relocated to improve traffic flow and enhance the safety of residents. - The site next to the intersection of Rodolphe and Saint-Louis has been relocated to the Saint-Jean-de-Brébeuf community centre (at 70 rue Moreau). - The site at the intersection of Saint-Antoine and de la Baie has been relocated to parc La Baie (between 91 and 95 rue de la Baie).
The remaining sandbag distribution sites are at the intersections of: - rue Cartier and rue des Rapides; - boulevard de la Gappe and rue Carmen.
In the interest of safety, Gatineau asks resident to all time avoid bringing their children to the distribution sites and any unnecessary going back and forth.
There are two sandbag filling sites: 476 boulevard Saint-René Est and 100 rue Edmonton, each with three bagging machines that will be running 24 hours a day for delivery to the four distribution sites.
Gatineau is in touch with a few big cities to see if they have any sandbags to spare for Gatineau.
In addition to the pumps that are already in place, Gatineau has added one at the Robert 307 pumping station, which is a critical location during floods.
Quebec's ministère des Transports is currently installing AquaDam barriers on autoroute 50 at Lac-Leamy.
Fire department staff have been out in the field informing shoreline residents to ensure their safety. They covered approximately 15 streets.
It is important that victims sign up with the municipality by calling 311 (option 4). This option is available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. This is to enable Gatineau to ensure the necessary support for those victims and follow-up.
Gatineau is working closely with the Canadian Red Cross to provide housing and food for victims.
Residents who feel the need can at any time call 811 (option 2) for psycho-social assistance. Info-Social 811 is a free and confidential telephone consulting service offered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Residents are invited to consult gatineau.ca/flood to find out how to prepare and keep abreast of the latest developments. If they have not already done so, they should sign up for text or email alerts to receive important message.
Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 292 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.