Ce communiqué a été publié le 3 juin 2020. L'information dans ce communiqué pourrait ne plus être à jour et certains liens pourraient ne plus être fonctionnels.
Ville de Gatineau
News release
COVID-19 – Safe environment design for people using rue Jacques-Cartier – Possible further adjustments
Gatineau, June 3, 2020. – Upon the recommendation of Councillor Myriam Nadeau further to her meetings with local residents, Gatineau Executive Committee members are proposing further adjustments to the changes announced on May 22 for the use of rue Jacques-Cartier. The measures are designed to optimize all uses and safety for everyone on rue Jacques-Cartier.
Quick facts
As you recall, Gatineau has been working to provide a safe environment for active transportation along rue Jacques-Cartier during the gradual deconfinement.
The proposed changes include a temporary bicycle street and a shared street along certain sections.
Businesses will remain accessible, and some parking will be available.
Traffic on rue Jacques-Cartier and access to street parking will be limited.
Specific signage will be installed to promote safe shared use.
The purpose of these temporary traffic changes on rue Jacques-Cartier is to: - promote active transportation and health; - provide more room for pedestrians and cyclists so that they can more readily maintain physical distancing; - ensure access for shoreline residents and businesses; - eliminate through traffic on rue Jacques-Cartier; and - make it possible to maintain the two-metre physical distancing on the multi-purpose pathway.
The creation of temporary sections of shared streets or bicycle streets requires an amendment to by-law 300-2006 concerning traffic and parking. A notice of the proposal to amend will be tabled at a special meeting of the Municipal Council on Friday June 5. The amendment will be submitted for Council approval at its meeting on June 9.
“Rue Jacques-Cartier is an ideal place to be active and enjoy the magnificent view. These measures will help promote physical distancing, active transportation and health, without limiting access to residents. Some 15 sections are being looked at throughout Gatineau for the introduction of temporary measures,” indicated Executive Committee Chair Cédric Tessier.
“I am grateful to the shoreline property owners, merchants and residents who reached out to me to propose this project, and who helped fine-tune it so that it could ensure access to residences while supporting the goal of providing more room to pedestrians and cyclists to maintain two-metre physical distances. I would also like to thank my colleague, Municipal Councillor Daniel Champagne, who is in charge of bicycle issues, for lending me a hand throughout this exercise,” added Pointe-Gatineau district Councillor Myriam Nadeau.
Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 292 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.