Ville de Gatineau
Spring flood: Gatineau getting ready for restorations in the flooded areas
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Ce communiqué a été publié le 16 mai 2019. L'information dans ce communiqué pourrait ne plus être à jour et certains liens pourraient ne plus être fonctionnels.

Ville de Gatineau
News release
Spring flood: Gatineau getting ready for restorations in the flooded areas

Gatineau, May 16, 2019. – With water levels gradually receding, Gatineau is getting ready for restorations in the flooded areas, and reminds residents of the importance of remaining vigilant.

It is recommended that dikes remain in place until the water has receded. Municipal crews are continuing to look after the safety of residents.

In view of the upcoming Fête des Patriotes long weekend, we are reminding everyone that there is still no boating on the Ottawa River. The ban issued by Transport Canada remains in effect.

Municipal measures while the waters recede

Gatineau reminds everyone that even though water levels are gradually receding, several streets may remain closed or open only to local traffic until they have been restored.
There are still several steps to go through before everything returns to normal, and these will take several weeks.
The impact of flooding on a road is similar to what happens during a thaw. Full recovery can take several weeks.
Saturation of the roadbed can result in decreased load capacity. The damage can be anywhere from 2 to 15 times more severe. Some roads will require repairs before they can be reopened.
As soon as the water recedes from a street, Gatineau will have to go through the following steps before it can be reopened:
- assess every street and determine the degree of erosion and the street's condition;
- run load tests;
- clean away the debris;
- reopen the street and update the map; and
- as soon as a street is reopened, the Service de sécurité incendie will visit the residents and inform them of the next steps in regard to the resumption of power and gas supplies.
The goal is to reopen the streets as quickly as possible while ensuring the safety of residents.
It may take several weeks to reopen every street, particularly the ones along a river.

Collection of sandbags

Once the waters have receded, residents can safely remove the dikes. Soiled sandbags will have to be placed inside the property line, not on the road or on the sidewalk.
A giant solidarity blitz will be organized in June to remove sandbags from the properties of the flood victims. Details will be announced shortly.
The soiled sand will be used as fill by Gatineau. It will be stored in municipal sites authorized by the ministère de l'Environnement et de la lutte contre les changements climatiques (MELCC), such as snow dumps.
It is important not to use the sand from the sandbags for children to play in, such as in sandboxes. It is also important to remove all of the sand from flooded sandboxes.

- Consult Urgence Québec for more information about the use and disposal of sand and other materials soiled by floodwaters.
It is prohibited to dump the sand in the river.
The bags may be kept and put aside for future use, but remember that the lifespan of a sandbag filled with sand is limited.
In case of obvious contamination, such as odours, Gatineau recommends that flood victims not use soiled sandbags.
More than 890,000 sandbags were distributed.

Garbage collection

The collection of household garbage, recyclables and compostables will resume according to the regular schedule as soon as the flooded streets are reopened.
Flood victims are asked to keep construction and demolition residues separate from sandbags and household garbage.
Bins and construction and demolition residues will have to be placed inside the property line, not on the street or on the sidewalk.
Gatineau residents can use the ecocentre for free.
- You can drop off as many materials as you wish, as long as they are on the list of accepted materials.
- Access to the ecocentre is only free for Gatineau residents and property owners, not for businesses.

Impact on traffic

There are several traffic detours, and many streets are closed throughout the territory.
Street closures change by the hour. Go to for a real-time map.
Rockfill will be removed from boulevard Fournier on Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Two lanes will be open while the work is underway.
Gatineau encourages residents to use public transportation and car sharing.
In addition, Gatineau reminds residents to respect road signs and patrollers' instructions.
In the interest of safety, and out of respect for drivers, Service de police de Gatineau officers have run checks on pont Alonzo.
- These checks targeted drivers who cut through the parking lots of businesses located south-east of the corner of rue Saint-Louis and boulevard de La Vérendrye Ouest to avoid the traffic lights and other cars in order to get to the bridge faster.
- These police checks were held during the morning rush hour over the past two days.
- 78 tickets were issued to violators.

Reminder of the Ministère de la Sécurité publique information evenings for the flood victims

The ministère de la Sécurité publique will hold two information evenings for the flood victims, on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 21 and 22, at 7 p.m. at the centre sportif (850 boulevard de la Gappe).
The purpose of the evenings is to present the new financial assistance program and answer questions from the flood victims.
After the presentations, the flood victims will be able to set up an appointment with a claims officer on site.
The appointments will be held starting on May 22 in temporary offices set up at the aréna Campeau (165 rue des Sables).
Flood victims can file a claim online right now under the Government of Quebec financial assistance program.
The Service de l'urbanisme de la Ville de Gatineau will have a booth at the information evening sessions. Our representatives will be on hand to explain the applicable rules and the steps that flood victims should take, particularly in regard to applying for permits.
The following partners will also be on hand to answer questions from the flood victims: Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de l'Outaouais (CISSSO), the Red Cross, Hydro-Québec, Gazifère, the Insurance Bureau of Canada, the local employment centre, Service Canada and organizations helping with relocations.

Associated links

Spring flood

Gatineau ecocentres

Map – Impact on traffic

Urgence Québec – Residual materials – sand bags

Associated document

Computer graphics of the restoration steps


– 30 –
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Published by
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau

À propos de Gatineau

Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 298 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.

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