Ville de Gatineau
Spring flood: Gatineau is asking residents to prepare for flooding as bad as, if not worse than, in May 2017
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Ce communiqué a été publié le 18 avril 2019. L'information dans ce communiqué pourrait ne plus être à jour et certains liens pourraient ne plus être fonctionnels.

Ville de Gatineau
News release
Spring flood: Gatineau is asking residents to prepare for flooding as bad as, if not worse than, in May 2017

Gatineau, April 18, 2019. – In light of the latest forecasts, the Commission de planification de la régularisation de la rivière des Outaouais has informed us that water levels could rise faster than anticipated. Water levels could rise as high as, and even surpass, those in May 2017 as of Sunday night due to the expected rainfall and runoff from the melting snow. It is still too soon to be certain, but we have to be ready for the worst.

In fact, the alert level has been reached in the Masson-Angers sector. This means that the river water level is being more closely monitored, and Gatineau is stepping up its response.

Gatineau is asking shoreline residents to take action and prepare for flooding. Sandbags, loose sand and empty bags are waiting for them in seven locations. Crews are working full out, and the distribution sites are continuously restocked.

Gatineau will continue to keep a close watch throughout the territory and to adjust its actions as the situation evolves. Every effort is being made to ensure the public's safety at all times.

Go to to find out how to prepare and for the latest updates. If you have not already done so, sign up for text message or email alerts.

Quick facts

Municipal actions

The emergency measures coordination centre (centre de coordination des mesures d'urgence - CCMU) is open. In addition, the on-site emergency measures centre (Centre des operations d'urgence sur le site - COUS) is running 24 hours a day until further notice.
The municipal intervention plan has been in place since yesterday morning:
- Gatineau is in constant communication with its partners to ensure full coordination;
- sandbags and loose sand are being distributed at seven locations;
- this morning, once the alert level was reached, as a preventive measure, Gatineau laid rockfill on chemin du Fer-à-Cheval (Masson-Angers sector); and
- firefighters will shortly start knocking on doors to remind residents about safety precautions.

Actions by residents

Gatineau reminds everyone that emergency measures are everyone's business, and depend on teamwork. Shoreline residents also have an important part to play. They are asked to take the necessary steps to ensure their own safety and protect their homes.
Gatineau is asking all residents to cooperate in regard to the use of sandbags. Shoreline residents are asked to take them gradually to ensure that everyone gets some. That way, everyone will be able to start building up their dikes in preparation for the weekend.
Gatineau has enough bags and sand for all residents who might be affected.
A new reading on the level of the Gatineau river (rue Cartier) is now available on the Web site. The readings from all five stations within the Gatineau territory are now posted.
Residents are also asked to sign up for text message or email alerts through
Residents can call 811 at any time if they feel a need for psychosocial support. Info-Social 811 is a free and confidential phone consultation service. It is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Actions by volunteers

There will be a volunteer blitz on Friday, April 19 from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to fill sandbags.
Anyone who wishes to take part should go to aréna Beaudry (23 rue Saint-Alexandre). Volunteers can park in the neighbouring streets or at École Massé.
It is best to bring a shovel, gloves and closed shoes.
Anyone wishing to help shoreline residents who are at risk of being affected should approach the latter directly.
Businesses wishing to donate should contact Gatineau's Service des approvisionnements at 819-243-2315.

Safety tips

As it does every spring, Gatineau is asking residents to be cautious along rivers and waterways.
Call 311 to report any disturbing situation. If the safety of persons or property is at risk, call 911.

Associated links

Spring flood

Sign up for text message or email alerts

Emergency kit

Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board's press release

Hydro-Québec's press release

Gazifère's press release


Animation: how to build a sandbag dike

– 30 –
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Published by
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau

À propos de Gatineau

Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 292 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.

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