Ville de Gatineau
Gatineau has issued a ban on mechanical watering in the Aylmer sector, and is asking all Gatineau residents to reduce their use of tap water
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Cet Info-Éclair a été publié le 6 juillet 2020. L'information dans cet Info-Éclair pourrait ne plus être à jour et certains liens pourraient ne plus être fonctionnels.

Ville de Gatineau
Media advisory
Gatineau has issued a ban on mechanical watering in the Aylmer sector, and is asking all Gatineau residents to reduce their use of tap water

Gatineau, July 6, 2020. – Given the current heat wave, Gatineau has banned mechanical watering in the Aylmer sector until further notice. This ban does not apply to people who have already obtained a permit to water a new lawn.

Gatineau is also asking all Gatineau residents to reduce their use of tap water as much as possible. People are asked to use water responsibly, especially between 3 and 9 a.m. and between 6 and 9 p.m. Laundry, baths, showers and the use of dishwashers should be put off to other times of day. Manual watering and washing vehicles should also be reconsidered.

There is currently an unusually high demand for tap water. The cooperation of residents is essential to maintain a stable and constant supply of tap water.

Gatineau thanks everyone for their collaboration.

Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau

À propos de Gatineau

Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 298 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.

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