Ville de Gatineau
Enter a plea
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Enter a plea
Enter a plea

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See also

Cour municipale :
- Le stationnement souterrain est réservé à l'usage exclusif du personnel de la Ville.

Constat d'infraction :
- Le paiement d'un constat d'infraction peut être fait en ligne, en personne dans tous les centres de services et par la poste. Les questions peuvent être soumises à ou en composant le 819 595-7272, de 8 h 30 à 16 h 30 ou de 8 h 30 à 16 h (horaire d'été du 1er juin au 5 septembre).

Enter a guilty plea and request a payment agreement

Parking tickets

Only the owner of a vehicle can enter a not guilty plea for a parking ticket.

Guilty plea for a parking ticket from Ville de Gatineau

Using this form, you can enter a guilty plea and request a payment agreement.

Entering a guilty plea will result in additional charges to your file according to the current year's Tariff of court costs in penal matters and will allow you to proceed with a payment agreement after your file has been reviewed.

Enter a guilty plea and pay your statement of offence immediately

Parking tickets

Only the owner of a vehicle can enter a guilty plea for a parking ticket.

Entering a guilty plea for a statement of offence issued by Ville de Gatineau

Click on the button below to enter a guilty plea and pay your statement of offence immediately.

Enter a not guilty plea

Parking tickets

Only the owner of a vehicle can enter a not guilty plea for a parking ticket.

Entering a not guilty plea for a statement of offence issued by Ville de Gatineau

Entering a not guilty plea will result in:

  • fees when entering a not guilty plea;
  • fees for changing your plea prior to the hearing;
  • fees if you are found guilty.

You will be notified by the clerk of the court of the date and time set for the hearing.

Click on the button below to enter a not guilty plea.

About Gatineau

Recognized for its quality of life, Gatineau is a city of 292,000 inhabitants. It is located on the north shore of the Ottawa River, and extends east and west of the Gatineau River.

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