Ville de Gatineau
Revision of the Residual Materials Management Plan
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Revision of the Residual Materials Management Plan

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See also

A new plan for reducing waste

As required under the Environment Quality Act, Ville de Gatineau has started revising its Residual Materials Management Plan (RMMP) for 2023-2029.

Public consultations are now complete. Thank you to everyone who participated and gave their opinion! You can read the consultation report (in French only) and the amended draft of the RMMP (in French only) following the public consultations.

What is an RMMP?

An RMMP sets out the management of residual materials throughout a territory, and includes:

  • an inventory of the residual materials generated within the territory, whether from residential, industrial, commercial or institutional sources;
  • a statement of the orientations and goals set in accordance with the Québec residual materials management policy;
  • an implementation plan that promotes public participation and collaboration by organizations and businesses involved in residual materials management;
  • budget projections and an implementation timeline; and
  • a monitoring system for the plan.

RMMPs are governed by the Environment Quality Actand must be reviewed every seven years.

2023-2029 RMMP vision, orientations and goals


Every resident, industry, business and institution, as well as the municipal organization, contributes to Gatineau's progress towards a zero-waste city by focusing on advancing the circular economy within Gatineau.


  • Help achieve the government's goals for residual materials management, which include compliance with the 4R-D (reduce at the source, reuse, recycle, recover and dispose) hierarchy, with a focus on reducing at the source and reusing residual materials.
  • Get every resident, in particular the industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) sector, to take greater responsibility for adopting best practices regarding sorting, recovering and managing their residual materials in accordance with the principles of the circular economy.
  • Facilitate access by every resident, at home as in the ICI sector, to effective residual materials management programs and services within Gatineau.
  • Continue to inform, raise awareness, educate and guide residents in order to get them to rethink their consumption, optimize their use of products and services, and better manage the residual materials they generate.
  • Make the municipal organization an example to follow when it comes to residual materials management, and develop a corporate RMMP for Ville de Gatineau.


All sectors

  • Reduce the volume of residual materials generated per inhabitant by prioritizing reduction at source and reuse.
  • Reduce territory-wide elimination to less than 200kg per inhabitant.
  • Reduce regional vulnerability related to the treatment of waste.
  • Recover 70% of construction, renovation and demolition (CRD) residues generated.

Residential and organizational sectors

  • Recover 85% of recyclables generated.
  • Recover 85% of compostables generated.
  • Recover 85% of CRD residuals generated as part of the municipal residential service.
  • Reduce by 75% the amount of discarded textiles.
  • Aim for full elimination of household hazardous waste from household trash.

ICI (industrial, commercial and institutional) sector

  • Recover 75% of recyclables generated.
  • Recover 60% of compostables generated.

Draft 2023-2029 RMMP action plan

In order to achieve those goals, 30 measures are proposed, articulated around the following six elements:

  • Reduction and reuse.
  • Organizational sector (municipal organization).
  • Industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) sector.
  • Residential sector.
  • Construction, renovation and demolition (CRD) sector.
  • Infrastructure and facilities.

For more information, see the RMMP (in French only) or its summary.

Public consultations

Main steps

Meeting with stakeholders, online questionnaire and survey for residents
Spring 2021

Presentation of the RMMP vision, orientations and goals to the Municipal Council
Summer 2021

Preparation of the draft RMMP
Summer-autumn 2021

Adoption of the draft RMMP by the Municipal Council for public consultations
January 31, 2022

Public consultations on the draft RMMP
April-June 2022

Submission of the consultation report and presentation of the amended draft RMMP to the Municipal Council
September 27, 2022

Submission of the amended draft RMMP to Recyc-Québec for a compliance assessment
Fall 2022

Adoption of the 2023-2029 RMMP by the Municipal Council
February 14, 2023


Public consultations


Press releases

Review of the 2016-2020 RMMP

Gatineau's 2016-2020 RMMP included 29 measures aimed at meeting the goals set under the Québec residual materials management policy.

Gatineau residents found themselves having to make significant adjustments to their residual materials management habits. Their efforts paid off, leading to Gatineau becoming the big city in Quebec with the smallest volume of ultimate waste per inhabitant in 2019 and 2020!

For additional information


For additional information, contact the RMMP team at

About Gatineau

Recognized for its quality of life, Gatineau is a city of 298,000 inhabitants. It is located on the north shore of the Ottawa River, and extends east and west of the Gatineau River.

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