Ville de Gatineau
Adoption of the 2023 Budget – Making a shift to achieve our ambitions
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Ville de Gatineau
News release
Adoption of the 2023 Budget – Making a shift to achieve our ambitions

Gatineau, December 6, 2022. – Gatineau today tabled its 2023 Budget, the planning of which was strongly influenced by the 2023-2032 long-term financial plan (PFLT 2023-2032). With its focus still on residents, Gatineau is maintaining and enhancing its service offer and introducing important initiatives to protect its environment.

Quick facts

The Municipal Council is adopting a $744.4 M balanced budget for 2023, which represents a 6.4% increase over the previous budget. The main sources of revenue for this budget are property taxes and transfer duties.
In accordance with the PFLT 2023-2032 recommendations, in 2023, Gatineau will draw on the debt to fund the growth in the dedicated fund. This will make it possible to pursue municipal infrastructure repairs and catch-up.
Gatineau is proposing a 2.9% reasonable tax increase for the residential sector, which amounts to $89 for a median residence of $256,000.
In addition, non-residential sector taxes will increase by 3.9%, and the rate for buildings with six or more units will be set at 1.01 of the residential rate.
Also, $11.01 is being added to the tax bill for the implementation of the 2023-2029 Residual Materials Management Plan.
We remind residents that they will be able to pay their taxes in four instalments instead of two. Also, starting in 2023, they will be able to consult their tax bill online through the Portail citoyen.

Principal investments

Two initiatives will see the light of day in 2023: a $1.2 M investment for the acquisition of strategic lands, and a $1.2 M investment for initiatives related to the climate plan. For each of the next ten years, a new $1.2 M investment, actualized to the current year, will be added to the budget. This will generate $81 M for each of the funds.
This budget will also provide $4.5 M for significant enhancements in snow clearing, urban forestry and support for cultural organizations. It will also make it possible to progress towards an ecological transition and to highlight diversity, equity and inclusion in Gatineau.
In addition, for 2024, $234 M will be allocated to the 2023-2025 investment plan – maintenance component (PIVM). That plan covers the continuation of several major projects and additional investments, including:
- $190 M over four years (until 2025) for road repairs;
- $71 M to water supply repairs, including $28 M to redevelop rue Notre-Dame and $30 M for boulevard Saint-Joseph;
- $11 M for the new computerized systems master plan for 2023-2027.
In 2023 alone, $52.5 M will be invested in road repairs, which is the largest investment in this regard in Gatineau's history.


$2,269,000 for snow clearing, including the addition of permanent dedicated crews for snow blowing
$150,000 for an equity, diversity and inclusion program
$1,487,000 for the urban forestry plan, which will, among other things, help with:
- protecting, conserving and improving the urban forest;
- planting trees and increasing the canopy index; and
- raising awareness and increasing involvement within the community.


“This budget's preparation was without a doubt strongly influenced by the long-term financial plan tabled this past summer. That tool gave us a better long-term vision of our budget plans and more agility in how we do things. It also enabled us, in a context of significant inflation, to adopt one of the smallest tax increases in the province. In 2023, this Municipal Council will make a significant shift to achieve its ambitions,” stated Gatineau Mayor France Bélisle.


Associated link

2023 Budget

Associated documents

2023 Budget document

Mayor's speech

– 30 –
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Published by
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau
Service des communications
Ville de Gatineau

À propos de Gatineau

Reconnue pour sa qualité de vie, Gatineau est une ville de 292 000 habitants. Elle est située sur la rive nord de la rivière des Outaouais, et s'étend à l'est et à l'ouest de la rivière Gatineau.

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